Ten tunes

Ten tunes for descant recorder & guitar or piano (cop. 1975)/ from Gilbert and Sullivan, arranged by John W. Duarte



Titel Ten tunes : for descant recorder & guitar or piano
Auteur Arthur Sullivan
Secundaire auteur John W. Duarte ; William Schwenck (1836-1911) Gilbert
Type materiaal Bladmuziek
Uitgave Borough Green : Novello, cop. 1975
Overige gegevens 1 partituur (28 p) - 1 losse partij : muz ; 28 cm
Annotatie Voor sopraanblokfluit en gitaar of piano (Geen teksten) Bevat: Braid the raven hair ; Tit willow ; A wand'ring minstrel I / from The Mikado. Carefully on tiptoe stealing ; I'm called Little Buttercup / from H.M.S. Pinafore. If somebody there chanced to be / from Ruddigore. Love is a plaintive song / from Patience. No possible doubt whatever / from The Gondoliers. A policeman's lot / from The Pirates of Penzance. Said I to myself, said I / from Iolanthe
PPN 350867240
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