Leer zelf rappen, dus je verhaal vertellen met een beat op de achtergrond. Met aandacht voor de geschiedenis, rijm en ritme en het beeld dat men heeft van rappen. Met opdrachten, cd en kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 11 jaar.
"Cubanito, also known by the former name Cubanito 20.02, is a Cuban reggaeton/cubaton band. The band is credited, along with the band Máxima Alerta, with popularizing cubaton, though Cubanito is influenced more by Jamaican music, whereas Máxima Alerta is influenced more by traditional Cuban music. The origins of the group are in hip hop. In the mid-1990s, the three members, Haniel Gonzalez Martinez, Javier Duran Webb, and José Angel Sastre Perez, were listening to rap sounds coming from the U.S. They shortened their names to Flipper, El Doctor, and White, and they got themselves some bandanas, baseball caps and extra-baggy jeans. Their first group was called Primera Base and they scored a direct hit with their performance at the Havana Rap Festival in 1995." (Wiki)
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