"There is simply no way to desribe this music other than Songs my mother taught me. I remember rehearsals for recitals, opera rehearsals and concerts with orchestra, and listening (eavesdropping really) on voice lessons that my mother [Roberta Alexander (senior)] gave at the university music department. I heard hear sing a wide variety of music that included Schubert, Mahler, Villa-Lobos, Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, Beethoven, Bach, Rachmaninov, Quilter and a myriad of lesser-known American composers - well known arrangers of traditional spirituals, popular composers and arrangers of folk songs. It was to these Americans that I turned when the idea for this project arose". (Roberta Alexander, cd-boekje)
"In navolging van veel collega's heeft ook sopraan Roberta Alexander een CD opgenomen met 'Broadway songs'. Roberta Alexander heeft zich enkele jaren geleden in Nederland gevestigd. Begeleid door pianist David Triestram zingt ze repertoire van o.a. Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, Alec Wilder en Tom Lehrer. Enkele titels: "A little bit love", "I can cook too", "Dear friend", "The lady sings the blues" en "When you are old en grey"." (Muziekweb)
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