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World Traveller

World Traveller (2006)

"De Zimbabwaanse gitarist-zanger Louis Mhlanga is wereldwijd een veelgevraagde sessiemuzikant in uiteenlopende muziekstijlen. Vanaf tienjarige leeftijd leerde hij zichzelf gitaarspelen door goed te luisteren naar westerse artiesten als Jimi Hendrix en Earth Wind & Fire. Ook absorbeerde hij Afrikaanse traditionele muziek en vertaalde traditionele mbira ritmes naar de moderne gitaar. Vanaf de 1970er jaren speelde Mhlanga ondermeer met Oliver Mtukudzi, Shaka en Talking Drum. Zijn brede interesse overschreed echter de landsgrenzen. (...) Mhlanga's transparante gitaarspel, delicate zangstem, uitstekend gevoel voor melodie en timing is te bewonderen op het veelzijdige album World Traveller. Met gastartiesten als Orchestra Baobab (Senegal), Ernest Ranglin (Jamaica), Oliver Mtukudzi (Zimbabwe), Habib Koité (Mali) en Busi Mhlongo (Zuid-Afrika)." (SvdP, Muziekweb)

Louis Mhlanga
Tinganekwame ...

Tinganekwame ... (2004)

"Louis is respected as one of the greatest African Jazz guitarists of our time. He has performed on the worlds best stages and impresses audiences from all walks and cultures of life with his intuitive and inspiring use of his instrument, the guitar. Louis ongoing performance since 2007 with the American based Playing for Change Band, which consist of musicians from the African continent to the Netherlands to North America, sees him perform his special guitar wizardry across all States of North America. You know that Louis Mhlanga the artist is a legend in the musical fraternity now that a host of young guitarists have started to emulate his distinct style of picking and plucking the guitar, what Louis calls the African guitar. But Louis is best known for his humility, and his guiding motto is respect, for the world and all her people. Louis is globally respected and acknowledged as the master of the African guitar. His style of music captures the voice of our continent." (The Orbit)

Louis Mhlanga

Stories (2006)

Régis Gizavo

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