"One of the earliest documents on CD of Luc Houtkamp's solo work, The Songlines is an earthy example of the advanced techniques developed by the saxophonist. Houtkamp can be extremely free in his delivery, often navigating the borders between music and noise. Among the five cuts, the title piece is among the most remarkable, with little high-pitched sounds cajoled from his horn. "Têtes brulés," with its three parts, is impressive for its snippets of melodic invention, interspersed with super technique. Houtkamp rarely swings, but he covers every base of his horns, with rapid-fire articulation and repeated intervalic leaps. Still, a full CD of solo any instrument is a difficult order, and there are times when one wishes for the interaction of another horn." (AllMusic)
Het freejazz-trio en tenorist Houtkamp voelen elkaar instinctief aan. Het de luisteraar uitdagende, maar door de spanning zeer bevredigende resultaat klinkt echt als eenheid. Contrasten, voortkomende uit verschillende stijlen worden verzoend.
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