Serie natuurdocumentaires over alle leefgebieden van de aarde
Bevat: Frozen planet opening titles ; The north pole ; Surfing penguins ; Antarctic mystery ; Stones ; Narwhals ; Returning seabirds/Albatross love ; Ice sculptures ; Leaping penguins ; The long march ; Activity ; Emperors return ; Following the herd ; The blue planet opening title music ; The blue planet ; Sardine run ; Spinning dolphins ; Blue whale ; Thimble jelly fish ; Surfing snails ; Emperors ; Frozen oceans ; Coral wonder ; Planet earth opening title music ; Prelude ; The journey of the sun ; Elephants in the okavango ; River predation ; The snow leopard ; Mother and calf - the great journey ; The redwoods ; Fledglings ; Seasonal change ; Discovering antarctica ; The disappearing sea ice
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