Drie vertalingen van literaire werken die zich afspelen in de Oriënt.
Verslag door de Franse journaliste over haar speurtocht naar de geschiedenis van haar joodse familie, afkomstig uit Litouwen, die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog grotendeels om het leven kwam.
Door een tragische gebeurtenis worden de levens van twee vrouwen onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden.
Libretto met vertaling van en bijdragen over de opera van de Duitse componist (1864-1949).
Operaverfilming uit 1974. "Whatever one thinks of Götz Friedrich's 1974 television production, it can't be denied that it's extraordinarily vivid. The staging, set and costume design, and the general ambience are evocative of a low-budget 1950s Biblical epic. That's not a bad thing: the grotesque naturalism of the production can be seen as a particularly apt approach to the lurid, over-the-top drama with music that perfectly matches it. For viewers willing to give themselves over to the production's distinctive aesthetic, the performance is absolutely riveting, and even skeptics will be unable to look away from its escalating outrageousness. The quality of the performances is of such a high level that there is lots more to engage the ear and eye than mere eccentricity. Stratas looks and acts like an adolescent and makes a believable transition from a lovesick, if somewhat nymphomaniacal girl to a crazed obsessive. Her performance is exhaustingly intense and always completely convincing." (S. Eddins, Allmusic)
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